What If Your BIGGEST Business Goal Is Being Held Back by an Unexpected Force?
What If Your BIGGEST Business Goal Is Being Held Back by an Unexpected Force?

If you're the kind of entrepreneur who's driven by both purpose and profit, let's talk about that guilt and internal tug-of-war, cause it can feel like you've got your foot on the brakes and the accelerator in your own business (at the same time ????.)

The thing that no-one talks about?

The constant tug-of-war between your drive and a that nagging sense that you ‘should just be grateful’ for what you already have is exhausting.

In studying and working with successful entrepreneurs over the last decade, I've found that it's incredibly common for those of us who are wired to create, to innovate and find the leading edge in our industries. 

But here's the thing about success: it requires alignment.

Which means that strategy alone isn't enough, and neither is just following your intuition.

Real, sustainable momentum – the kind that allows for profit, freedom, AND that feeling of deep purpose – comes from internal alignment.

It sounds a little woo, I know. But think about it:

  • When your head and heart are united behind your goals, you make smarter, bolder decisions.
  • You stop sabotaging your efforts because deep down, part of you is afraid to level up.
  • And, as the science shows, you're way more likely to tap into that flow state where peak performance, creativity and decision making feel effortless.

Point is, that drive you have?

It's not the problem. It's the fuel.

But you might be aiming it in the wrong direction and that's what creates that guilt and internal conflict.

When that happens, you unconsciously hold back from following through on your biggest business goals - even though logically you know they're important.

That’s why we focus on internal leadership and alignment with clients in The Growth Zone.

Like my client Amy, Founder of Disco Wellness who felt the internal push-pull with greater visibility even though she's a seasoned entrepreneur.

Here's what she had to say:

"Before the Growth Zone, I couldn't imagine how I could possibly create the dream visibility project I had on the back burner for years. With the support, goal setting and tracking within the program, I was able to achieve my goal and get the project off the ground. Now I feel motivated to keep going with it because I have concrete proof that I CAN do it, and I know how long it takes to create it."

This focus also meant Amy saying YES to an interview on "The Meredith Show" with Meredith Breitstein in LA.

Amy & Meredith on set at "The Meredith Show"

It's that shift from "can't imagine" to "proof that I can" that shows you just how powerful that internal alignment is. Time and time again.

Here’s the broad strokes of how we did it:

1. Awareness: We got under that nagging guilt that was holding her back from pursuing this passion project, and helped her see how it was connected to an overloaded schedule.

2. Transformation: Using RapidCore Transformation™, we shifted her perspective around ambition. She gained a new level of self-trust, releasing the inner conflict and allowing her to create the space for those big goals.


3. Integration: We created clear strategies and weekly micro-steps directly linked to the goal along with the accountability and Growth Zone community support to keep her on track.

This proven process is why clients like Amy don’t just hit one goal and stop: they experience breakthroughs that positively impact multiple areas of their business and their life, time and time again.

This is a glimpse of what’s possible when you stop feeling guilty about wanting a business that’s both profitable AND fulfilling.

What's the ONE big goal that feels out of reach because of that internal tug-of-war?  

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