
I'm Andrea

I nerd out about the brain (I read 2-3 books a week - most non-fiction)

Did I tell you that I love Korean Dramas?

It helps my mind think about other things then bio-hacking

How are you different?
And other FAQs

There are so many Coaches out there and practically all of them will deal on the personal stuff or business stuff but rarely can they combine the 2. What I mean is that when you work with a coach and there’s still that ‘something’ lingering… then the Coach wasn’t able to support you as a whole. I choose to work with Entrepreneurs as you will have to lead by default and I love working with Leaders!

I was certified as an NLP trainer, hypnosis and many more. From working with a lot of Entrepreneurs, I couldn’t figure out why certain people will get amazing results while others don't. So I got curious and found out that the things I’ve learned were outdated and took way way way toooooo long to use for busy entrepreneurs. After a few trials (and some failure… like walking into a wall type) I came up with RapidCore Transformation™ which is a leading edge bio-hack for highly successful Entrepreneurs who want to fast track their results starting with their internal self. When you think better, you make better decisions and get better results

You’ve probably used ChatGPT, Gemini or other Artificial Intelligence tool to help with your productivity. Will it build the business for you? No but it sure makes your life easier. It’s the same thing with RapidCore Transformation or RCT for short. It’s a tool that shortcuts your results. It’s a bio-hack that I invented and is usually done through audio. It can be performed online or in person, in a group or individually. The beautiful part about this process is that it is so deep and profound that it gets to the root of your problem. How can I tell? When I follow up with my clients after a week or two they don’t even remember they had that problem. For example, I had a client that’s running 5 businesses and had an issue with procrastination. We do the RCT (RapidCore Transformation for short) and a week later, he’d finished 9 out of 10 projects when in the past he’d have been lucky to make any progress on 2 or 3.

I started as a teacher and I realized that the change I wanted to make happened to be with adults. That’s when I transitioned from teaching to coaching adults. I realized that the ones who make the biggest difference in the world are Leaders and Innovators. When you’re an Entrepreneur, by default you will need to lead. It could be as simple as leading 1 staff or multiple people, my point is you can’t get away from not leading. Which brings me to my BIG WHY. I am on a mission to impact 1 Million Entrepreneurs and I know that by helping these leaders, they can in turn make a bigger positive difference in the world. Right now the world needs stronger and better leaders.

Absolutely! I’ve got you! Here’s my 5 minute morning meditation that has helped so many bring thousands of dollars when used by Entrepreneurs (I’m not saying it’s going to happen to you because of legal disclaimer stuff but it has happened to many people, so give it a shot, you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain! And when you do, please let me know :)
Andrea Reading Book

About Andrea Ivanka


(written by someone else’s perspective, this way it doesn’t sound like I’m bragging)


Meet Andrea Ivanka

The Business Coach Who Rewired Success Andrea Ivanka is a world-class business coach with a unique specialty: bio-hacks for entrepreneurs. Over the past decade, she's guided thousands on their journey to success.


From Teacher to Trailblazer

Andrea's path wasn't always clear-cut. Armed with degrees in English Literature and Education, she initially embarked on a teaching career that spanned Mexico, the UK, and Canada. While she loved educating, she discovered her true passion lay elsewhere.

A chance comment about her ability to push people beyond their comfort zones sparked a new direction. Andrea realized she was drawn to coaching, particularly helping entrepreneurs step into their leadership roles.


Beyond Traditional Coaching

Certifications in Coaching, NLP, and Hypnosis followed, but Andrea noticed something: inconsistent results among her clients. The tools she'd learned, while valuable, felt outdated – like using a rearview mirror instead of a backup camera.

Determined to bridge the gap, Andrea immersed herself in research and experimentation. She explored various coaching techniques, including those that embraced emotions and those that avoided them entirely. Both had merit, but neither felt complete.

The Result

The Birth of RapidCore Transformation™

After eight years of refining her approach, Andrea developed a revolutionary bio-hack: RapidCore Transformation™. This technique strikes the perfect balance, acknowledging emotions without amplifying them, leading to powerful and lasting change.

Today, RapidCore Transformation™ is at the heart of Andrea's coaching practice. It's her signature method for helping entrepreneurs overcome limitations, rewire their beliefs, and achieve extraordinary results.

Elevate Your Business Growth With Leading Edge Bio-Hack Emails



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